hahaha buka buka blog gue iiiih :D
tapi, makasih deh udah berkunjung dan gue lebih berterimakasih lagi kalau lo dengan senang hati ngefollow :p oke ?
mau tau isi blog gue ? baca aja deh heheh

Sunday, April 25, 2010


keluarga gue lagi kesusahan uang dan gue tau banged itu :(
gue gamau nyusahin papa lagi
tapi gue juga lagi ngeluarin duit banyak banged
pengeluaran buat kebutuhan gue banyak banged :(((
gue mau nangis setiap kali ngeliat papa kayanya kesusahan banged dan mikirin banged buat semuanya tapi gue banyak bangeeeeeeeed minta macem macem hal !
akhir akhir ini hal yang sangaaaaaaaaat gue paksa biar dikabulin tuh
2. beli dress
3. high heels
4. keperluan lainnya (yang jelas ngeluarin uang)
tapi yang jelas gue sangat ingin ke 3 hal itu terkabulkan !
terutama sih dress sm high heels karna gue mau pake hari jumat ini :(
gue gamau maksa. sebenernya gue bisa aja pake dress yang lain tapi masalahnya, GUE GAPUNYA DRESS !
stress gue anjir !
masa gue make dress itu itu lagi yang udah pernah dipake 2 kali (lagi) pas diulang taun della terus bapet
malu anjir gue maluuu
masa pake bajunya itu mulu :((((
maaf pa, kalau ga minimal beli dress aja deh. yang paling murah sekalipun juga gapapa yang penting ada

Friday, April 23, 2010

stupid feeling

kenapa bisa gue suka sama sahabat gue sendiri sih ?
cobaaaaaaaaaa aja perasaan gue gampang didelete
feeling----------> delete ------------> are you sure to delete ? yes or no -----> klik YES ! -------------> your feeling succesfully deleted ~!
oh i wish it can be true !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

sumpah deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
gue ngiler banged sama paket galaxy aaaaaaaa
sebenernya kalau mau lebih urah sih paket venus tapi paket galaxy tuh tengah tengah gt deh hahaha
lo bis aliat di link diatas
ya Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mudah mudahan papa beneran mau masang
tadi sih gue udah ngomong sama papa terus papa bilang liat tar liat tar tanya dulu
terus sempet protes juga gara gara itu cuman bisa dipasang di satu tv doang (yaiyalaaaaah) kalau mau pasang 2 tv ya bayar lagi ck
gue pengen banged nonton dream team yang ada di kbs yang cuman ada di indovision !
tolong kabulin ya, soalnya jam tangan yang waktu itu aku minta terus udah promote di blog aja belom dibeli beliin sampe skg ! jangan sampe kaya indovision yaaaaa :(((((((
Ya Tuhan dengarlah permohonankuuuuuu -,------

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

siapa yang panik sih

pagi pagi udah ngeluari emosi aja
tadi pas gue sama papa lagi damai damainya makan mie dengan tenang
eeeeeeeh papa membuka omongan dan bertanya
p : papa
g : gue

p : kamu kapan lagi ke dokter check gigi ?
g : tanggal 3 mei pa
p : 3 mei ? hari apa ?
g : senin
p : PAGI ?! (nadanya langsung tinggi gitu)
g : ya galah. sore (mendelik)
p : sore ? mana ada dr. sin jadwal sore hari senin ?
g : lha ? emang ga ada apa ?
p : gada ! mangkany kamu tuh kalau mau nentuin jadwal yg bener
g : lha mana aku tau, org mba mba ny juga ga protes wktu aku mnta nya sore
p : udah tau mba mba nya goblok (langsung numpahin kesalahan gitu)
g : nyeh yaudah mana aku tau
p : mangkanya kalau ngelakuin apa apa tuh gausah buru buru, panik
p : ya kalau ga juga gabakal salah
p : ......

gue paling gasuka pas papa udah ngomong gue buru buru, terlalu cepat ngambil keputusan dan bla bla bla bla segala tetek bengeknya itu laaaaaaah
apaan tauuu gue nentuinnya nyante sambil becanda2 sama mbanya apa yang panik ?! FAK

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When SHINee is your boyfriend...
1. When you suddenly talk in a nasal voice.

* Onew - Surprised, so he just stares and smiles
* Jonghyun - Stares for a while, and then grins all of a sudden
* Kibum - Imitates you and laughs
* Minho - Gets rid of his flaming charisma and just smiles at you
* Taemin - Says “Hehe.. Nuna you’re funny…” and laughs

2. When you ask them to entertain you because you’re bored.

* Onew - Says he’ll go shopping with you
* Jonghyun - Brings his mp3 over, listens to it with you and falls asleep while listening
* Kibum - Tickles you and plays with you
* Minho - Silently brings two Nintendo DS and plays with you
* Taemin - Says he’ll take you to a PC room or an arcade

3. When some thugs gang up on you

* Onew - Pushes you away and gets beat up in your place
* Jonghyun - Runs over and beats them up for you
* Kibum - Calls all the sunbae he knows
* Minho - Shoots his flaming charisma on them so they run away
* Taemin - Calls the police

4. When he goes to the army

* Onew - Tells you that you’re forbidden to look at any other guys until he comes back
* Jonghyun - Says “This oppa will come back much cooler”
* Kibum - Chatters on and on for the last time
* Minho - Says one thing. “I’ll come back…”
* Taemin - Says “You trust me right? I’ll be back soon.”

5. When he’s back from the army

* Onew - Suddenly comes up behind you, hugs you and says “Did you wait long?”
* Jonghyun - Hugs you, tells you he missed you and also says “How am I? Isn’t oppa cooler?”
* Kibum - Smiles widely and says “Did you wait a long time?”
* Minho - Gets rid of his flaming charisma, smiles and hugs you while saying “I missed you”
* Taemin - Flies over and hugs you and says “I’m finally back!”

6. When you confess your love to him

* Onew - Listens quietly and then hugs you
* Jonghyun - Confesses together with you
* Kibum - Thanks you and gives you a present
* Minho - Takes you somewhere else and confesses his love.
* Taemin - Says he’s going to confess, too

7. When you’re crying in front of your house

* Onew - Holds you and comforts you
* Jonghyun - Comforts you, and then watches you go into the house
* Kibum - Takes you to his house and comforts you there
* Minho - Hugs you until you stop crying
* Taemin - Stays still and then cautiously talks to you

8. When you doze off on the bus

* Onew - Falls asleep first and leans on you
* Jonghyun - Falls asleep together with you, wakes up suddenly and puts his jacket over you
* Kibum - Watches you quietly
* Minho - Sits you on his lap
* Taemin - Wakes you up and tells you to sleep at home

9. After your date, when you go home

* Onew - Asks “Do you want me to take you home?”
* Jonghyun - Says “Let’s go” and nothing else and takes you home
* Kibum - Says “Is your house big? Did you clean your room?” and nags you all the way until your house
* Minho - Says nothing and takes you home
* Taemin - Says “Nuna, I’m scared! I’ll call you so go home by yourself!” and goes home by himself

10. When you say you’re cold

* Onew - Takes his coat off for you
* Jonghyun - Buys you a windbreaker
* Kibum - Takes you into a warm coffee shop and buys you coffee
* Minho - Puts his coat around both of you
* Taemin - Says he’s cold and asks you to take off your coat for him

11. When you say you’re exhausted

* Onew - Asks you if you’re okay and pats your back
* Jonghyun - Tells you to cry if you’re exhausted
* Kibum - Asks what happened
* Minho - Holds you
* Taemin - Suddenly turns into Power Taemin and holds you tightly

12. When you’re walking together

* Onew - Holds your hand tightly
* Jonghyun - Says “You’re really pretty from the side…” and keeps staring at you
* Kibum - Keeps chattering
* Minho - Stares at you with his flaming charisma
* Taemin - Acts cute and talks with you

13. When you say there’s something in your eye

* Onew - Blows on your eye
* Jonghyun - Says “Stop joking” but blows on your eye anyway
* Kibum - Hits the back of your head until you cry
* Minho - Melts the dust with his flaming charisma
* Taemin - Says “I think there’s something in my eye too~” and has you blow on his eye

14. When SHINee comes over when you’re coming out of school

* Onew - Asks if you’re hungry and buys you food
* Jonghyun - Suddenly holds your hand and walks together
* Kibum - Packs lunch for you and feeds you
* Minho - Shoots flaming charisma while he walks over
* Taemin - Holds your hand and says “did you miss oppa?”

15. When you say you want this and that

* Onew - Buys for you without hesitation
* Jonghyun - Says “No! I don’t have money~” and buys something slightly cheaper
* Kibum - Says “Save money!” but buys it the next day and leaves it front of your house
* Minho - Glares at you with his flaming charisma
* Taemin - Says “Oppa doesn’t have money~” and begs you to buy it for him

16. When you ignore all his calls and texts for a day

* Onew - Has texted you 50 times and called you 50 times
* Jonghyun - Has texted you 20 times and called you 60 times and then ran over to your house
* Kibum - Has texted you 3 times, called you 20 times and ran over to your house
* Minho - Has texted you 20 times, called you 100 times and then consistently asks you the next day what you did the day before
* Taemin - Has texted you 2 times, called you 3 times and then comes over and cries, asking why you ignored him

17. When you cry

* Onew - Holds you and comforts you
* Jonghyun - Suddenly becomes serious, pats your back and says, “Don’t cry…”
* Kibum - Says “Aigoo, my baby, don’t cry”
* Minho - Says scarily, “Who made you cry”
* Taemin - Cries with you, saying, “Nuna, why are you crying?”

18. When you’re laughing crazily because of something really funny

* Onew - Shocked, says “…”
* Jonghyun - Laughs crazily AT you
* Kibum - Scolds you, saying, “A girl shouldn’t laugh like that”
* Minho - Says nothing and makes you feel awkward
* Taemin - Laughs crazily WITH you

19. When you gift him with a sweater you’ve made yourself

* Onew - Extremely touched, says “Wow… Baby, thanks…”
* Jonghyun - Complains that it looks weird, but wears it extremely often
* Kibum - Confused, says, “Huh, I never taught you stuff like this”
* Minho - Only says “thanks”
* Taemin - Acts cute to show his gratitude

20. When you kiss him on the cheek

* Onew - Blushes brightly but kisses you
* Jonghyun - Says, “You started it” and kisses you deeply
* Kibum - Gets shocked and says, “Oh my god, what’re you doing”
* Minho - Clears his throat and makes the situation awkward
* Taemin - Sprouts nosebleed

21. When you’re with him at a swimming pool in a bikini and guys stare at you

* Onew - Puts a towel over you silently
* Jonghyun - Curses everyone out silently
* Kibum - Starts scolding you, “What were you thinking?!”
* Minho - Scares everyone with his flaming charisma so no one can stare.
* Taemin - Says “Nuna, I don’t like sexy women” and makes you go change

22. When you call suddenly really late at night

* Onew - Woke up because of your call and is sleepy, but says he wasn’t sleeping and stays on the phone with you
* Jonghyun - Says “who told you to call this late” but sings you a sweet lullaby
* Kibum - Nags you about waking up because of you, but all of a sudden you realize he’s been talking more than you have
* Minho - Worries about you because you aren’t asleep yet
* Taemin - Is very honest and tells you he’s sleepy and is going to go to sleep

23. During the finals week, when you’ve studied at school until really late and call him to take you home

* Onew - Asks you where you are, runs over as fast as he can and brings hot cocoa with him
* Jonghyun - Tells you that he’s too tired and it’s too much work, so you’re walking home alone upset, but suddenly appears and wraps his arm around you to surprise you
* Kibum - Says “Since when do you study?” but also says “Don’t go anywhere”
* Minho - Before you call him, he calls you to ask if you want to get picked up
* Taemin - Comes over in his mom’s car to give you a ride

24. When you show up wearing a really short skirt

* Onew - Clears his throat because he doesn’t know where to keep his gaze
* Jonghyun - Says “Sheesh… I don’t know what to do with you..” and takes off his jacket to tie it around your front and walks closely behind you
* Kibum - Hits you and says he won’t hang out with you if you dress like this again
* Minho - Doesn’t say anything, but every time a guy stares at you glares at them with his flaming charisma
* Taemin - Very honestly says, “Wow, your legs are really pretty, nuna”

25. When you’re in pain in because of really high heels

* Onew - Suddenly takes you to a bench, sits you down and gives you a foot massage
* Jonghyun - Goes into a store, buys a pair of cheap slippers for himself and gives you his sneakers
* Kibum - Nags you about it, suddenly gives you a piggy back ride, but doesn’t stop nagging
* Minho - Stares at you for a while with his flaming charisma, then kneels down and tells you “Get on”
* Taemin - Doesn’t know what to do because you’re hurting

26. When you say, “Let’s break up”

* Onew - Says nothing except “Good bye” and then when you turn your back smiles sadly and cries
* Jonghyun - Says “Let me hold you for the last time” and then lets you go, but cries his eyes out when you’re gone
* Kibum - Suddenly stops joking around and asks you if you’re joking and says he won’t let you go
* Minho - Stares at you, and when you turn around takes your arm and tells you not to go
* Taemin - Whines, asks why and says no like a child

27. After you’ve broken up

* Onew - Makes sure you don’t know, but visits the front of your house and stares at your window
* Jonghyun - Calls you when he’s drunk and cries his heart out
* Kibum - Texts you things like “You really aren’t going to see me?” “I miss you” “I can’t let you go”
* Minho - Calls anonymously and hangs up after he hears your voice
* Taemin - Cries because he doesn’t know what to do after the first person that he fell in love with dumped him

ini gue dapetin dari terus gue copy paste ke blog gue abis gue suka banged bacanya hehe biar gampang ga nyari nyari lagi
comment : pas selesai baca gue langsung "gue makin cinta sama onew" hahaha. walaupun ga gue pungkirin jonghyun juga romantis abis. kalau diliat liat jonghyun itu tipe gue banged aaa a a. cuman gue masih lebih suka onew hehhee


koneksi internet hari ini sedang tak berkawan ! dan gue benci itu z
lemot iyaaa wawawa
mana gue capek banged rasanya hari ini
tadi abis nyelesaiin tugas keramik
hahahah hebat yaaah gue bisa dalam 2 jam mengerjakan sampe selesai :D
kalau gue udah serius yah begitu jadinya haha
gue juga ngerjainnya dengan hati tenang dan ga ada paksaan huehehe
tapi ternyata ngebuat tanah liat itu sangat sangat menguras tenaga hyuh
keringetan abis -,--- untung skg udah selesai masih rada ancur gimana gitu tp gapapalah tar gue betulin lagi
terus pas gue baru aja mau ngongkow dikamar udah nyiapin cemilan dan segala macemnya eeeeeeeh pas gue masuk kamar dvdnya NGILANG !
AH TAIK ! dipindahin ke kamar papa, dia mau nonton my name is khan
iiiiiiiiiiih WTF sih elaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
gue baru aja mau nonton seigi no mikata fak aaaah bete

Saturday, April 3, 2010

turut berduka

kemarin jam 11.30
papanya theresa elisabeth (eca) meninggal
dan hari ini gue, bebeh, danin, oon, sama adel ngelayat kesana
dimana gue ngerasain dan ngeliat untuk pertama kalinya eca selemah itu
seringkih itu :(
gue ga tega
gue dan yang lainnya ga tega ngeliat dia begitu
ngeliat echa selemah itu
dia terus bergumam dia garela ngeliat papanya ninggalin dia bergumam tentang segala hal yang dia belom bisa penuhin buat papanya
gue ga tega :( sangat ga tega

cha, mau dimanapun papa lo sekarang. dia tetep papa lo. mungkin dia gada sekarang buat lo, gada buat nasehatin lo, tapi dia ada dihati lo. jangan nangis lagi ya. kasian papa lo, kasian nyokap lo terutama ucok. ya cha, jangan nangis lagi. kapanpun lo butuh kita, kita selalu ada buat lo kok cha. yang tegar yah. lo bisa ko, lo harus bisa cha

foto keluarga

hari ini gue dan keluarga berencana buat foto keluarga
hahah akhirnya ada juga gue sekeluarga foto keluarga :D
itu juga gara gara bokap gue yang berkoar
kalau ga ya gabakal dah tuh ada yang namanya ngungkit ngungkit buat foto keluarga :D
tadi pake nuansa baju item putih gitu deeeeh
hahah karena gue ada baju yang bagus ya itu doang :D
tapi jadinya bagus kok, keren dan gue suka uuuuu
sayangnya gabisa diambil sebelum jadi nantinya
dan itu harus nunggu selama 2 minggu unyunyuuu~ z
lama banged
udah tadi gue sekeluarga pake ribut kecil gitu soal foto mana yang mau dicetak
anjiiiirrrr malu banged sumpah deh
gue tuh kan orangnya gampang meledak ledak, jadinya tadi sebelum gue teriak teriak gue tinggal aja dah tuh biar mereka yang milih
abisan ngeselin ! kebanyakan milih kebanyakan maunya HADOOOOOH z
tapi akhirnya selesai juga
nanti kalau udah jadi gue upload deh hehehe (narsis abis)

Friday, April 2, 2010


sumpah yah
adek gue tuh hari ini nyebelin abis ! PARAH
dari dia udah ngeselin dari siang ! gada usahanya sama sekali buat ngebuat kado buat ulang taun bokap hari minggu
apaan sih usaha dia anjir !
patungan ? dia aja mnjem uang gue dulu tar dia ganti
nyari foto atau usaha nyari ? GADA ! dia tuh cuman nyari gampang doang gamau susah
mending nyari gampangnya itu emang jalan yang baik, ini apaan asal nyari doang biar cepet selese !
sampe gue bentak2 tuh tadi siang gara gara dia gamau dan gapernah ada usaha nyari anjirr bete abis
terus tadi barusan, malem
dia abis mnjem henvon gue buat ngaktifin nomornya terus pas udah selesai make ga dibetulin lagi sim card gue di gituin aja
FAK. udah tuh yah gue masih sabar, gue diemin aja
nah pas gue nyalain tuh henvon dtanyain macem macem, kaya gue baru masukin nomor gitu. kan gue bngung jadinya
gue mau nanya, tapi ga dijawab jawab sama si fira terus gue ketok tuh pintu kamarnya ga dibuka
ANJING SUMPAH YAH GUE KESEL ! dia tuh tinggal nyamperin atau gimana kek gitu biar cepet selesai kan gue mau nanya tuh henvon gue harus diapain tar gue asal mencet terus keapus apaan gitu kan mampus gue
gue dobrak aja tuh pintunya saking keselnya gue tendang tendang wih pokoknya brutal abis deh gue
baru abis itu dibuka, pas dia ngebuka gue langsung tinggal masuk kamar
terusan anak toko nelvon, nanyain barang yang tadi ade gue bawa apa aja soalnya mau di print barang apa aja yang diambil hari ini
emak gue kan nanya baik baik tuh dia ngambil garniernya yang gede apa yang kecil
tapi GA DIJAWAB sama dia
terus emak gue ngetok ga dibukain juga
terus emak gue treak treak yaudah gue yang masih emosi gara gara tadi gue langsung ikutan emosi, gue teriak2an terus TETEP GA DIJAWAB SAMA DIA !
anjing anjing sumpah, langsung gue dobrak aja tuh pintunya kaya tadi dengan brutalnya
sumpah gue emosi abis ! baru deh dia buka pintunya
eh nyolotnya abis dia buka pintu dia bentak2 gue
wtf ?!
gue langsung bentak balik lah terus gue jambak saking emosinya
eh dia nangis. mampus
ngeselin abis sih, lagian kan gampang tinggal jawab gede atau kecil. gausah pake urat juga ngomongnya sampe kaya gini.
hyuuuuuhhhhh~~~ sangat menyebalkan dan melelahkan :(
dan gue sukses mendapatkan 3 bekas kuku dilengan kanan gue

oh NO

bisa kalian lihat ? jerawat gue betebaran dimana mana zzzz
lihat itu yang diidung ga banged dan baru muncul tadi
WTF ?!
udah gitu itu yang di pipi juga ga sembuh sembuh unyu nyu~
kapan ilang yaaa ?

belom juga

huaaaaaa twitter gue belom bisa dibuka juga
gabisaaaaaaaa a a a aaa :(((
beteeee banged z
jangan jangan emang gabisa dibuka buat selamanya ? unyunyunyuuu~~
salah apaan gue hadooooohhh
bete banged