hari ini, seperti hari senin lainnya. gue sangat sangat malas buat workshop
pertama karena workshop mulai jam 10 dan gue males jalan pagi. biasanya malah gue dari rumah jam 10 lha ini -___-
dan yeah, absen gue udah banyak alfa di workshop. but I don't really mind it
jadi tadi pagi gue baru jalan naik busway dirawamangun sekitar jam 10 an. gue nyampe sekitar jam setengah 11 lewat 45 menit. gue udah nyampe kampus, nyampe lantai 6
pas gue liat, gue mau masuk tapi ga enak. gue udah 2 kali tuh sama waktu itu kapan jg gue kaya gini.
krna stau gue workshop cuman sampe jam 11 an jadi gue milih gamasuk
pertama karena gue gaenak sama bapaknya, tar gue dikira ngapain udah telat tetep masuk jadi gue pilih gamasuk.
terus tadi gue akhirnya duduk dan jajan.
gue nungguin anak-anak workshop selesai tapi....kok ga selesai-selesai....
sampe jam setengah 12an.
sampe temen gue pada keluar dan si dian bilang, "tan, lo failed. absen lo 4"
gue udah mau nangis. diotak gue langsung KO BISA???
gue langsung masuk ke dalem dan straight to the point, "pak ko bisa saya failed pak?"
"iya, kamu alfa 4 kali sama hari ini. lagi tadi kamu kenapa gamasuk?"
"pak, saya gaenak mau masuk. tadi saya kira bapak selesai jam 11. saya mau masuk gaenak ati, udah tinggal 15 menit lagi, tar bapak kira saya ngapain masuk-masuk kelas bapak gatau diri. jadi saya gamasuk. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. tadi di jalan macet pak."
"ya tadi kenapa gamasuk aja? tuh liat absen kamu udah 4"
"ya ampun pak, saya kira tadi bapak malah ganyampe jam setengah 12. tau gitu tadi saya masuk aja. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. sumpah deh. tanya aja sama micelak, saya aja waktu itu pernah telat tapi saya gamasuk karena gaenak sama bapaknya bukan karena males. saya tadi mau masuk pak. sumpah deh cuman gaenak sama bapaknya"
"yaudah, kamu bapak absenin. udah. udah"
ya intinya gue dibebasin :)
makasih banget banget paaaak
semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan bapak
itu kalimat terakhir gue sebelum keluar dari kelas
saya bener-bener doain pak dosen satu itu hehehe
dan yeah, gue sangat yakin absen gue tuh udah paling banyak pas pelajaran hari senin doang. sisanya gue jamin gue absen ga lebih dari 1 atau 2
>< nyariiiisss banget hari ini fuuuh
ga semua hal yang lo usahakan segenap tenaga akan lo dapetin semudah lo membalikkan telapak tangan
hahaha buka buka blog gue iiiih :D
tapi, makasih deh udah berkunjung dan gue lebih berterimakasih lagi kalau lo dengan senang hati ngefollow :p oke ?
mau tau isi blog gue ? baca aja deh heheh
tapi, makasih deh udah berkunjung dan gue lebih berterimakasih lagi kalau lo dengan senang hati ngefollow :p oke ?
mau tau isi blog gue ? baca aja deh heheh
Monday, January 16, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
I'm not thin!
hello guys I'm not thin ok!!!
this is stress me out when my dad said I'm thin. too thin!!
I'm nottttt
I just less eat
since I had a lot of my time at college
and you know what? I just ate breakfast before I go and never ate lunch cause too lazy and don't have enough time to ate. they gave short break just 30 min
and don't want to waste my money to eat hahaha
you know what? I ate a lot actually but I do eat snack not eat for "food" you know what I mean right?
and everytime I reached home, my maid already went home and I'm too lazy to serve my self a dinner then end up not eating
even my maid said I'm too thin! WHAT IS THIS!!
I'm going to gain more weight ok
that's the end of my explanation and don't tell me I'm thin anymore!
this is stress me out when my dad said I'm thin. too thin!!
I'm nottttt
I just less eat
since I had a lot of my time at college
and you know what? I just ate breakfast before I go and never ate lunch cause too lazy and don't have enough time to ate. they gave short break just 30 min
and don't want to waste my money to eat hahaha
you know what? I ate a lot actually but I do eat snack not eat for "food" you know what I mean right?
and everytime I reached home, my maid already went home and I'm too lazy to serve my self a dinner then end up not eating
even my maid said I'm too thin! WHAT IS THIS!!
I'm going to gain more weight ok
that's the end of my explanation and don't tell me I'm thin anymore!
new year
well hellooooooo
HAPPY NEW YEAR guys hahahah (this is soooo late but I don't care bleeeh)
how's it going? haha there're a some I made a notes about 2011 when I checked about it :D
and sometimes when I don't have anything to do I always re-read it again and laugh and thought how can I be so plain and stupid at that time hahhaha
and anyway, I used to be a college student now! mature enough hahahha (I think)
I'm in the kind of range when I'm not young and not adult enough to be hahah
that's what teenagers is! but I think that's not teenagers anymore pffft whatever
I always shock everytime I know some people and they're moreeeee young than me and suddenly I get envy and want badly switch their age with me beeeeh
I'm still 18 btw but 2 months later I will turn 19
AAAAA give me back my 16 or 17 age again ><
and when I looked back I really through a lot hahahha
don't forget my birthday on 25 march ok
wish me some wish ! hahahah kind of like meet my destiny or meet super junior lmao
ok, I wish you all happy on this year ^^ and good luck!
HAPPY NEW YEAR guys hahahah (this is soooo late but I don't care bleeeh)
how's it going? haha there're a some I made a notes about 2011 when I checked about it :D
and sometimes when I don't have anything to do I always re-read it again and laugh and thought how can I be so plain and stupid at that time hahhaha
and anyway, I used to be a college student now! mature enough hahahha (I think)
I'm in the kind of range when I'm not young and not adult enough to be hahah
that's what teenagers is! but I think that's not teenagers anymore pffft whatever
I always shock everytime I know some people and they're moreeeee young than me and suddenly I get envy and want badly switch their age with me beeeeh
I'm still 18 btw but 2 months later I will turn 19
AAAAA give me back my 16 or 17 age again ><
and when I looked back I really through a lot hahahha
don't forget my birthday on 25 march ok
wish me some wish ! hahahah kind of like meet my destiny or meet super junior lmao
ok, I wish you all happy on this year ^^ and good luck!
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