I know this is ooooollld story. But still, I will always love this story and the movies :)
movies distributed on 2003 which starring Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood
You guys can check about them in this links from imdb -->
if you never watch this movie, you should watch it. come on, this movie almost around 9 years ago and that was when I'm in the elementary school but yeah I just figured it out around junior high school and suddenly became my top movies! hahahah I watch it again and again never get bored :D
You should knew who Peter Pan is

but he never regretted for being a kid :)
actually almost all of part of scene when wendy and peter pan together are my favorites, but there's some I extremely love and 2 scenes I hate.
scenes that I hate when peter and wendy had a fought in front of the children. they're being a mother and father ^^ isn't that cuuute kkkk
and the other one when peter denied his feeling. when actually they danced together and suddenly peter left her cause peter lost. he doesn't recognized his feeling towards wendy at that time.
I love the quotes in this movies :)

part when hook can flew and then peter and hook fought in the air but suddenly hook distracted peter feeling by attack his feelings he felt towards wendy
Hook: I know what you are!
Peter: I'm the best there ever was!
Peter: I'm the best there ever was!
Hook: you're a tragedy!
Peter: Me?! Tragic? *smile*
Hook: she was leaving you, Pan!
yes, at that moment before hook kidnapped wendy, wendy was planned to go home. peter left heartbroken.
Hook: Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer?! You are incomplete! She'd rather grow up than stay with YOU!
Hook took this chance to attacked peter which actually influenced by his words. He were weak cause he was sad to hear what actually Hook said was right. and that's the fact. yes, wendy was planned to leave him. alone.
Hook: Let us now take a peep into the future! What's this I see? this is the fair Wendy? she's in her nursery. The window's shut!
Peter: I'LL OPEN IT!
Peter was tried his best to attacked Hook, but....
Hook: I'm afraid the window's barred
Hook: She can't hear youuuu~
Peter: N...Nooo~~~
Hook: She can't see you!
Peter: WENDY!
Hook: She's forgotten all about you!
Peter: STOP! Please! STOP it!
Hook: and what's this I see? There's another in your place.....
Peter was cried. he hold his tears
Hook: He is called.....Husband
Hook: You die....Alone.....and Unloved!
Hook made peter and wendy saw each other. Peter was in pain. His heart hurt.
Peter was hopeless. He can't do anything. He felt aweful
Wendy: Peter, I'm sorry I must grow up. But, this is yours
and then wendy said she just wanna give a present. last present or Peter. She bent down, and whisper
Wendy: This belongs to you....and always will
and then Wendy kissed him :)
Peter: To live would be an awfully big adventure
When Peter flew, ready to leave after he sent Wendy and her brothers back and other child to have and feel what happiness is, Wendy notice he flew and calledWendy: PETER! You won't forget me, will you?
Peter: Me? Forget? Never!
Wendy: Will you comeback?
Peter: To hear stories....about me
Wendy: But I wasn't see peter pan again. Now I tell his story to my children and they will tell it to their children...and so it will go on. For all children grow up...except one, Peter Pan :)
this is Rachel as Wendy and now :)
this is Jeremy Sumpter now :)
and this is random but I just figured out this pic and just soooo cute they actually close :))
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