ok, I will tell you from the first I met him :)
He's an officer in busway...
be someone who responsible to guide people and said or told people where the shelter will stop next
the one who guide or stand beside door
you should knew that if you rode busway before :D
it was actually 8 november 2011. that was the day when I'm going home with Adel
The day after she's freaking out cause alvin wont picked her up at campus hahaha
did you remember this one, del? XD
adel said to me she will off busway at matraman shelter. she asked if that's ok with me if she left me alone? hahahaha
she's actually worried person. and I'm actually fine with that :) I'm ok del hhahah
then Adel off at matraman and we separated there.
I'm busy tweeting and saw recent updates. completely doing nothing
and then I searched for something to entertain me at that time
I look around, look outside at the street, look at people in busway
until I saw him.
I freeze for about 5 second and then I texted adel. told her about that guy
an officer at busway
he's totally hot!
I'm freaking happy at that time. Dunno what to do and what should I reacted lol
he's totally handsome. I never ever seen him in my life, I mean saw people who work at busway be an officer hot as him like that!
then adel told me to candid him and YES! I already candid him from the first time before adel told me!
HAHAHAHAH crazy crazy
because I'm not on the exact place and my sitting plane can't took his pic well then I forced it! lol
then the result be like this....
he's (sexy) back LOL

This is when I forced my self to took his pic -___- and be like this

and then that's the end. sorry for blur pic lol. I'm off at arion, at that time I thought "you should ask him to take a pic together!" but I can't. too afraid to do that lol
and then today. today....
my friend, ghazian birthday hahahah happy birthday
now I will tell you bout today and how can I met him hahahah
today I have a appointment for gathering this saturday at sentul
they said I should go to campus b then I went there today with gabriel
because I'm too lazy to met her at arion so I decided to met her at pulogadung and accidentaly briel said to met there too then we agreed
unfortunately I'm there first before briel so I wait for her there
then I don't know what's going on at busway today, maybe an officer busway have some meeting before they off to work that day
I waited there, at entrance, cause they actually block my way to sat in there. so I wait
and then accidentaly I looked around and met his eyes
for God's sake! IT'S HIM!!!!
he walked around me and then he unplugged his mobile, so I thought he done charged his phone
and then I smiled kkkk~ I'm happy!
I looked him around :3
he walked around and I don't know why he's not with other else hahaha
not long after that, officers busway done with their meeting time and I went in to sat
I sat there and getting bored
but I BBM adel. told her about my accidentaly met with him again today lol
and then I didn't realized I always looked after him
and he's about to off with his shift, off with his busway ><
but before that, he walked and then.......sat BESIDE ME
yes BESIDE ME ><
I'm happy! I told adel too that he sat beside me!! lololol
at that time, he's busy with his BB and me too hahaha and I thought "CAN I GET YOUR PIN????!" and adel said like that too with "there's no second chance ya!" hahah but I don't care. I mean, I thought he should be the one making a move lol (like he care????! shot lah hahaha)
at that time, there's a woman, and take a sat beside me. left me
I'm getting closer to him hahahha. My shoulders touch his! HAHAHHAAH
but that's not last, he move his body. have a space between us ;A;
and yeah sad....
and then he sat on side line. he moved -___-
and I thought I should candid him! and WATTA
he's the one I bold with red line LOL. THAT'S HIM!!

do you think that's the end? OH NO! ><
cause of briel so late. TOO LATE and I ended up with he's off to work, went with his busway 010 and then I'm there. still waited for briel ;A; end up chatted with other people. actually officer at busway too but he's responsible to wrote and now what time busway til there
I went to campus. chatted with babeh, with fika :) about gathering and yeah I should wear orange shirt!
orange! D-JAK! ><
but what should I do. no matter how hard I begged that's useless ;A; so whatever hahaha
and I went home with briel. actually I want to off at arion and take metromini but briel said it's ok if she's with me took 20A til HI
then I agreed
when we're on dukuh atas shelter. like usually was full of people. push here and there like crazy people -___-
like usually, busway to pulogadung was rarely and we wait for almost 1 hour.
and when it was about to full actually me and briel won't enter cause that's useless. we will did push here and there again inside -___-
so we wait again
and then enter another busway
until we're at arion....? I forgot
that was when I'm getting bored again lol
and looked around and DING DONG!
at first sight, I just curious who is he
and then I look his shirt. he's wore hoodie. red hoodie. and wore headset around his neck
and he's stood near door. actually chatted with an officer there
and then the thing makes me realized was his bandage. ><
he wore bandage at his neck. dunno why but I remembered this thing
and I froze for a second and getting crazy. told briel, right next to me if there's him there! lol
and briel said he's HOT!
oh yeah I KNOW THAT! LOL
until we reach pulogadung, I just look at him. secretly ofcourse! lol
and then we off.
briel told me to ask for his pin
and we wait for him hahahhaahahahah
he took his helmet and actually we're on the front WAIT FOR HIM this is cause of briel!
then I run away cause I don't know what to do. hahaha idiot
and we disscussed it at 20A
he's hot and handsome and bla bla bla hahahha
and then briel said "he must be on his way here!"
"NO WAY!" I said and after that he's there. with his scooter and going through us and we were like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
hahhahahah that was happy time :)
today tottaly nice ^^
14 november I'm in love <33333333333
PS. I don't even know his name! LMAO