suatu pagi hari yang tenang. gue seperti biasa naik ancot ke sekolah. terus pas kebanyakan turun di pondok kopi gue sama devira karena emang bukan turun disitu ga ikutan turun (?)
eh pas penumpang pada turun gue liat dompet. yes dompet ditempat duduk. gue tau itu dompet siapa karena gue tau yang duduk depan gue itu siapa (?)
jadi maksudnya gue udh kenal muka orang yg duduk depan gue dan orang itu buru2 turun ga sadar kalau dompetnya ketinggalan dalem angkot.
gue panik, gue ambil dompet itu pas gue nengok keluar. tuh orang udah keburu belok. gue makin panik sama temen gue. aish. kebetulan banget suara gue belum sembuh bener gara2 ilang kemaren -________- gue coba buka dompetnya tapi ga berani. terus tiba2 abang ancotnya ngomong "apaan dek?" "dompet bang. duh gimana nih" "dompet ya? yaudah sini" dia ngulurin tangannya dan gue dengan pasrah kasih tuh dompet
terus tuh abang taro didashboardnya. gue makin waswas. tuh abang malah ngomong "nemu dimana dek?" "disitu bang dibangku" "orangnya kemana?" "gatau udah belok tadi bang" "yaudah tenang tar juga dia ngejar kesini kok"
nah gue makin ngerasa ga wajar. gimana ngejar coba -,-
"ga lah bang. orang tadi dia buru2 gitu kayanya dia ga sadar deh dompetnya ilang" "yaudah tar juga dia lapor polisi"
terus "oh itu dia kali tuh yg naik ojek" "bukan bang" (entah kenapa gue yakin) "yaudah tar juga dia tau mobilnya" "yaampun bang 03 banyak kali ga cuman satu didunia"
HAHAHAHAH sumpah gue udah mulai curiga. ape2an sih nih abang2 ancot
"udah sini bang saya aja tar saya yg balikin," "gausah tar juga dia lapor polisi" "eeerr gausah bang saya aja yg kasih ke dia tar. itu tadi ada nomor hpnya disitu" daaaaannn gue pun berdebat bentar sama abangnya sampe turun dari ancot. tetep aje tuh dompet ga dikasih. terus tiba2 temen gue (nurul) maksa ke abang2 ancot itu hahah. bantuin gue dan akhirnya tuh abang nyerah dan dikasih ke gue
ah gue inget itu pas gue lagi TO
terus pas TO otak gue cuman gimana gue ngembaliin nih dompet. tuh dompet udah gue utak atik. gue mau coba ke alamat dia, eeeeh tuh KTP daerah hahahah anjir gue makin bingung
gue gatau apa2an. ada duit sekitar 53.000 terus foto2 doi sama cewenya. emas dan surat2 dan kartu nama PT gitu sama KTP dia
hah. gue bingung gue cari jalan ke sana kemari dan akhirnya temen2 nyuruh gue ke EQ (tempat les) dan cari cara ke pak bamz
hahhaa gue cerita ini-itu ke pak bamz dan pak bamz bilang "yang jelas jangan kamu serahin ke polisi. ribet urusannya. jadi panjang."
wah gue tambah pusing. pas gue coba telpon PT ny kata mbanya doi lagi keluar
hadeeeh ==="
gue buntu. trus akhirnya pak bamz turun tangan dan nelvon sendiri. eh pak bamz ngobrol beneran itu orangnya! kerja di situ hahah. terus pak bamz suruh ajak ketemuan. HAAA AKHIRNYA ketemu deh dan gue kasih tuh dompetnya hehhee
selamet deh gue
itu pengalaman banget kayanya nemu dompet begitu dan bisa dibalikin :) hehe
ga semua hal yang lo usahakan segenap tenaga akan lo dapetin semudah lo membalikkan telapak tangan
hahaha buka buka blog gue iiiih :D
tapi, makasih deh udah berkunjung dan gue lebih berterimakasih lagi kalau lo dengan senang hati ngefollow :p oke ?
mau tau isi blog gue ? baca aja deh heheh
tapi, makasih deh udah berkunjung dan gue lebih berterimakasih lagi kalau lo dengan senang hati ngefollow :p oke ?
mau tau isi blog gue ? baca aja deh heheh
Thursday, August 2, 2012
hey! this is my tragic story
just now Wpro announced they gonna held SM TOWN INA in Sept. the exact date is 22 sept 2012
which is around 1 month to go
and the tragic story is
well more tragic problem is.....
I'm not buying 6JIB yet.... cause yeah I gather my money for 6JIB
and then BAM!
SM TOWN INA will be held 1 month later
even my THR can't cover the ticket price ugh
I can choose. 6JIB later then SM TOWN first
and then this november INFINITE will come to INDONESIA
seriously huhuhuhuhu
I Want all of that but I can't :((((((((((
please please, let miracle happen! PLEASE
just now Wpro announced they gonna held SM TOWN INA in Sept. the exact date is 22 sept 2012
which is around 1 month to go
and the tragic story is
well more tragic problem is.....
I'm not buying 6JIB yet.... cause yeah I gather my money for 6JIB
and then BAM!
SM TOWN INA will be held 1 month later
even my THR can't cover the ticket price ugh
I can choose. 6JIB later then SM TOWN first
and then this november INFINITE will come to INDONESIA
seriously huhuhuhuhu
I Want all of that but I can't :((((((((((
please please, let miracle happen! PLEASE
Friday, June 22, 2012
breast cancer
I'm afraid :(
I had this bump in my right breast. up breast I think.
I had this feeling. I had a breast cancer :(
I'm not checking it to doctor yet. because my dad didn't have many time :(
I had this bump in my right breast. up breast I think.
I had this feeling. I had a breast cancer :(
I'm not checking it to doctor yet. because my dad didn't have many time :(
it's hanging with "yaudah sih! GUE MAU AMBIL SERTIFIKAT DULU!"
and that's the end of our conversation. she let go of my hand. harshly. and just walked away.
not even care about my feelings. she was cruel. totally. and I was hurt.
yes, I know I was the one who did this first but actually I had a gut to said "I'M SORRY"
and have a gut to fixed this broken relationship. but, the problem, she won't fixed it. then why should I hope for more?
After that, everything just sooo random. I love being by myself and my friends :)
I still believe relationship called by "Bestfriends" :)
I do.
Even though I met someone like her, I learned from her :)
The problem, I never had 'friends' like her before. who acted so selfish -___-
I'm sorry for hurting you. But I got hurt too....
It's not like I don't want you to become my bestfriend anymore
It's because you won't me get into your life anymore. and why I bother cause of that so much?
You want this. and I make it come true. for you
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Peter Pan

I know this is ooooollld story. But still, I will always love this story and the movies :)
movies distributed on 2003 which starring Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood
You guys can check about them in this links from imdb -->
if you never watch this movie, you should watch it. come on, this movie almost around 9 years ago and that was when I'm in the elementary school but yeah I just figured it out around junior high school and suddenly became my top movies! hahahah I watch it again and again never get bored :D
You should knew who Peter Pan is

but he never regretted for being a kid :)
actually almost all of part of scene when wendy and peter pan together are my favorites, but there's some I extremely love and 2 scenes I hate.
scenes that I hate when peter and wendy had a fought in front of the children. they're being a mother and father ^^ isn't that cuuute kkkk
and the other one when peter denied his feeling. when actually they danced together and suddenly peter left her cause peter lost. he doesn't recognized his feeling towards wendy at that time.
I love the quotes in this movies :)

part when hook can flew and then peter and hook fought in the air but suddenly hook distracted peter feeling by attack his feelings he felt towards wendy
Hook: I know what you are!
Peter: I'm the best there ever was!
Peter: I'm the best there ever was!
Hook: you're a tragedy!
Peter: Me?! Tragic? *smile*
Hook: she was leaving you, Pan!
yes, at that moment before hook kidnapped wendy, wendy was planned to go home. peter left heartbroken.
Hook: Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer?! You are incomplete! She'd rather grow up than stay with YOU!
Hook took this chance to attacked peter which actually influenced by his words. He were weak cause he was sad to hear what actually Hook said was right. and that's the fact. yes, wendy was planned to leave him. alone.
Hook: Let us now take a peep into the future! What's this I see? this is the fair Wendy? she's in her nursery. The window's shut!
Peter: I'LL OPEN IT!
Peter was tried his best to attacked Hook, but....
Hook: I'm afraid the window's barred
Hook: She can't hear youuuu~
Peter: N...Nooo~~~
Hook: She can't see you!
Peter: WENDY!
Hook: She's forgotten all about you!
Peter: STOP! Please! STOP it!
Hook: and what's this I see? There's another in your place.....
Peter was cried. he hold his tears
Hook: He is called.....Husband
Hook: You die....Alone.....and Unloved!
Hook made peter and wendy saw each other. Peter was in pain. His heart hurt.
Peter was hopeless. He can't do anything. He felt aweful
Wendy: Peter, I'm sorry I must grow up. But, this is yours
and then wendy said she just wanna give a present. last present or Peter. She bent down, and whisper
Wendy: This belongs to you....and always will
and then Wendy kissed him :)
Peter: To live would be an awfully big adventure
When Peter flew, ready to leave after he sent Wendy and her brothers back and other child to have and feel what happiness is, Wendy notice he flew and calledWendy: PETER! You won't forget me, will you?
Peter: Me? Forget? Never!
Wendy: Will you comeback?
Peter: To hear stories....about me
Wendy: But I wasn't see peter pan again. Now I tell his story to my children and they will tell it to their children...and so it will go on. For all children grow up...except one, Peter Pan :)
this is Rachel as Wendy and now :)
this is Jeremy Sumpter now :)
and this is random but I just figured out this pic and just soooo cute they actually close :))
Thursday, May 3, 2012
gue sensitive? yeeeeesssseeeuuu
gue kesel. hari ini dari pagi tadi setelah makan nasi uduk gue belum makan apa2an. selesai uts gue langsung balik nyampe rumah jam 4 an terus gue dirumah bujing dulu karena keluarga gue belum balik gatau darimana
gue balik sendiri
gue sendiri. gue dirumah sendiri. gue nungguin mereka balik
gue nungguin mereka bawa apaan kek. kan mereka pergi yah
gue laper. gue sama sekali belum makan dari tadi siang
gada yang gue makan
gue udah bilang ke fira suruh bawa makanan atau apa kek yah
dia malah marahin gue balik bilang gue banyak maunya
Even I don't know why it should be a sin to ask for a food?
Is it a mistake?
when they arrived, I don't even ask.
My called me and I complain why he not brought anything and he said he bought JCo and I said I need food and he thought I never said thanks to him
masalahnya kalau mereka belum makan ya gue sih slow yah ini tuh baru tadi siang mereka makan dan mereka sama sekali ga mikirin gue taiiiii!!! gue tau gue udah gede tapi ga gini jg lo pada seneng2. jalan2. gue uts. sendirian pulang
gada yg lebih tai?!
gue kesel. hari ini dari pagi tadi setelah makan nasi uduk gue belum makan apa2an. selesai uts gue langsung balik nyampe rumah jam 4 an terus gue dirumah bujing dulu karena keluarga gue belum balik gatau darimana
gue balik sendiri
gue sendiri. gue dirumah sendiri. gue nungguin mereka balik
gue nungguin mereka bawa apaan kek. kan mereka pergi yah
gue laper. gue sama sekali belum makan dari tadi siang
gada yang gue makan
gue udah bilang ke fira suruh bawa makanan atau apa kek yah
dia malah marahin gue balik bilang gue banyak maunya
Even I don't know why it should be a sin to ask for a food?
Is it a mistake?
when they arrived, I don't even ask.
My called me and I complain why he not brought anything and he said he bought JCo and I said I need food and he thought I never said thanks to him
masalahnya kalau mereka belum makan ya gue sih slow yah ini tuh baru tadi siang mereka makan dan mereka sama sekali ga mikirin gue taiiiii!!! gue tau gue udah gede tapi ga gini jg lo pada seneng2. jalan2. gue uts. sendirian pulang
gada yg lebih tai?!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
this is unfair and sometimes you guys just too much
grow up pleaseeeeee
I wonder if I can said it to them, honestly, sincerely.
you guys think that's even funny to always makes fun of me when it's not even funny AT ALL?
LOL to my friend who actually thought one of those. PLEASE do RESPECT ME! sometimes your jokes not even funny AT ALL. try to be me. switch!
HAHAHAH this is so funny you guys even not my frieeeennndddsss not just 'usual friends' BUT BESTFRIEND for God sakes! hahahahahahhahahaha
you think that's even funny to makes fun of me? ROFLMAO pleaseeeeeeeee!
think a lil bit IF YOU HAVE ANY BRAINS. and please you guys even already being my bestfriends since long time ago.....enough to makes you guys understand what kind of person I am....
USE your feelings. not like you guys not have those stupid feelings yaaaa! you guys can even LOVE your boyfriend.
when I never said anything that's when I don't even know you're my friend or not.................
yes.....hahahah I even said "I'm ok" when I'm not. at all. hahahhahah this is so funny. sooo dramatic hahahhahahah
how can you're not respect me enough if you think I'm your friends? hahahahaah do you even respect other people enough???!
this is so LOL! I don't even know, it is me or you being so pathetic here HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I'm not the same person you guys can even bullied with your act and your words. I HAVE FEELINGS FOR GOD SAKE!!!!!
If you guys don't even know what feeling is then you stupid enough to say "I love my boyfriends" hahahahha
I wonder if I can said it to them, honestly, sincerely.
you guys think that's even funny to always makes fun of me when it's not even funny AT ALL?
LOL to my friend who actually thought one of those. PLEASE do RESPECT ME! sometimes your jokes not even funny AT ALL. try to be me. switch!
HAHAHAH this is so funny you guys even not my frieeeennndddsss not just 'usual friends' BUT BESTFRIEND for God sakes! hahahahahahhahahaha
you think that's even funny to makes fun of me? ROFLMAO pleaseeeeeeeee!
think a lil bit IF YOU HAVE ANY BRAINS. and please you guys even already being my bestfriends since long time ago.....enough to makes you guys understand what kind of person I am....
USE your feelings. not like you guys not have those stupid feelings yaaaa! you guys can even LOVE your boyfriend.
when I never said anything that's when I don't even know you're my friend or not.................
yes.....hahahah I even said "I'm ok" when I'm not. at all. hahahhahah this is so funny. sooo dramatic hahahhahahah
how can you're not respect me enough if you think I'm your friends? hahahahaah do you even respect other people enough???!
this is so LOL! I don't even know, it is me or you being so pathetic here HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I'm not the same person you guys can even bullied with your act and your words. I HAVE FEELINGS FOR GOD SAKE!!!!!
If you guys don't even know what feeling is then you stupid enough to say "I love my boyfriends" hahahahha
Friday, February 3, 2012
worst day ever
really my BB should be repair soon! ><
AAA this is really makes me crazy. I can't turn off ok I mean reboot or even put off my battery from phone cause I'm afraid my phone won't turn on again /foreverloading
I had plan to met up with ka melodi and ka ria today
I MISS THEM SO BADLY >< and they're too
we missed each other like crazy people :D
then since I had some business things with ka ria, yes cheering towel for @IndonesiaWantSJ, ka ria told me to met up at campus b to showed me cheering towel and gave me the other cheering towel which not that best one, so I can sell it. we actually, we can sell it.
me at MOI while ka ria at CP next sunday so cheering towel can be done by that
buuuuuuttt when I'm on my way to campus, alone.
I wanna registrated to turn on my BB service BUT suddenly when I should reboot/put off my battery or reset, suddenly my phone goes blank. it's loading but always ended up with stop in the middle :(
I'm afraid. SO MUCH. I try to turn it on again and again and again and again (2PM song) and it's not working.
I'm freaking out! seriously. I went to campus, at this time when nobody or even my friend already at campus and I had arrived, so how am I supposed to do to inform ka ria and ka melodi about my BB broke, about when and where will we met later
then I went to campus A first, I thought I could went online and then mention ka ria or ka melodi and then try to talk to them through there. since I don't even remember their number! For God Sake!! ><
then ka melodi the first one who replied, said the meeting already canceled cause ka ria forgot the towel at home. ah yes, I forgot to mention this, when I was on my way at campus before my phone suddenly goes off and won't work, ka ria texted me said she forgot to brought the towel with her then she panicked tried to met up with me tomorrow but I can't and sorry to say this but it's kinda annoying. I know she tried her best but that's her fault to forgot it
not professional. and I was like "how can you even forgot the most important thing???! are you kidding me?" "I'm on my way gee! and you mentioned this too late! or not I'm still at my house, still doing nothing but now I'm on my way. ALONE" "why don't you just back to your house again? that's your fault after all"
but I CAN'T
that's human error. and yeah I can't say anything but the bothering thing is, she kept asked me if I pass west highway? cause she can make it there, since it's near MM but I said I can't cause I went home not with private car but with public car and busway. that's no way
and yeah missunderstanding on and on and on......
then I totally forgot about the final exam hahahaha
when I knew the plan were cancelled, I get back to campus a from campus b. seriously that's totally awkward moment! I'm alone, junior at senior place geeeee -_______-
when I reached campus a, bumped with micelak, tried to threw my emotion at her, but useless, cause she's the type of a people who not 'really listening' what I said even though she said she listened it but I think she's not. so yeah......
then go on with my final exam, doing the best I can while I'm trying the best I can too with my phone, still trying to turn it on when I'm too focused at my final exam......
GOD!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOOOUUU????!! <333333333333
then I suddenly said "Thanks God!! Thanks God!!" and cheered it out loud with micelak lol doesn't even care about my friends said I'm crazy and point at me and laughed at me
My phone turn on!!! :DDD
then I texted my dad before, with micelak's phone, said "dad, it's raining so hard. pick me up"
then he cooly replied "ok"
yeah kinda weird, but I think YEAY! he save my day. hahah so stupid day -__-
when suddenly my dad texted again said "I'm in front of." then I replied "where in front exactly you are? I'm done with my final exam too"
then phone's ringing dad thought my sister who was the one texted him!!!
when he realized that wasn't my sist voice he's like "OH! It's not fira? I thought you were fira. I'm at fira's school already, waiting"
I was drowned. I'm the urge of crying out loud, really, at that time. I raise my voice at him at that time since this thing really pissed me off!
It's raining outside!!!! I thought he want pick me up when he actually mistaken me by my sister. gee!!
I were angry and said I won't go home now! cause it's raining. too lazy to go home. and too lazy to dealed with stupid traffic in jakarta!!! and then I hung up his call
wondered around then I decided to go home. thanks God there's not even traffic jam at that time. at that day I thought kkkk~
but when I'm in busway that's totally STUPID
about 3 transjakarta passed me cause they run off gass and should full it ASAP
and I actually wait till 1 and a half an hour I thought
I stay, stood up. waiting like that. and when there's busway, I SHOULD STOOD AGAIN!
today totally the worst day I ever had
oh yeah, I'm in my period too and there's no tampon!!!! ISN'T THAT STUPID??????
AAA this is really makes me crazy. I can't turn off ok I mean reboot or even put off my battery from phone cause I'm afraid my phone won't turn on again /foreverloading
I had plan to met up with ka melodi and ka ria today
I MISS THEM SO BADLY >< and they're too
we missed each other like crazy people :D
then since I had some business things with ka ria, yes cheering towel for @IndonesiaWantSJ, ka ria told me to met up at campus b to showed me cheering towel and gave me the other cheering towel which not that best one, so I can sell it. we actually, we can sell it.
me at MOI while ka ria at CP next sunday so cheering towel can be done by that
buuuuuuttt when I'm on my way to campus, alone.
I wanna registrated to turn on my BB service BUT suddenly when I should reboot/put off my battery or reset, suddenly my phone goes blank. it's loading but always ended up with stop in the middle :(
I'm afraid. SO MUCH. I try to turn it on again and again and again and again (2PM song) and it's not working.
I'm freaking out! seriously. I went to campus, at this time when nobody or even my friend already at campus and I had arrived, so how am I supposed to do to inform ka ria and ka melodi about my BB broke, about when and where will we met later
then I went to campus A first, I thought I could went online and then mention ka ria or ka melodi and then try to talk to them through there. since I don't even remember their number! For God Sake!! ><
then ka melodi the first one who replied, said the meeting already canceled cause ka ria forgot the towel at home. ah yes, I forgot to mention this, when I was on my way at campus before my phone suddenly goes off and won't work, ka ria texted me said she forgot to brought the towel with her then she panicked tried to met up with me tomorrow but I can't and sorry to say this but it's kinda annoying. I know she tried her best but that's her fault to forgot it
not professional. and I was like "how can you even forgot the most important thing???! are you kidding me?" "I'm on my way gee! and you mentioned this too late! or not I'm still at my house, still doing nothing but now I'm on my way. ALONE" "why don't you just back to your house again? that's your fault after all"
but I CAN'T
that's human error. and yeah I can't say anything but the bothering thing is, she kept asked me if I pass west highway? cause she can make it there, since it's near MM but I said I can't cause I went home not with private car but with public car and busway. that's no way
and yeah missunderstanding on and on and on......
then I totally forgot about the final exam hahahaha
when I knew the plan were cancelled, I get back to campus a from campus b. seriously that's totally awkward moment! I'm alone, junior at senior place geeeee -_______-
when I reached campus a, bumped with micelak, tried to threw my emotion at her, but useless, cause she's the type of a people who not 'really listening' what I said even though she said she listened it but I think she's not. so yeah......
then go on with my final exam, doing the best I can while I'm trying the best I can too with my phone, still trying to turn it on when I'm too focused at my final exam......
GOD!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOOOUUU????!! <333333333333
then I suddenly said "Thanks God!! Thanks God!!" and cheered it out loud with micelak lol doesn't even care about my friends said I'm crazy and point at me and laughed at me
My phone turn on!!! :DDD
then I texted my dad before, with micelak's phone, said "dad, it's raining so hard. pick me up"
then he cooly replied "ok"
yeah kinda weird, but I think YEAY! he save my day. hahah so stupid day -__-
when suddenly my dad texted again said "I'm in front of." then I replied "where in front exactly you are? I'm done with my final exam too"
then phone's ringing dad thought my sister who was the one texted him!!!
when he realized that wasn't my sist voice he's like "OH! It's not fira? I thought you were fira. I'm at fira's school already, waiting"
I was drowned. I'm the urge of crying out loud, really, at that time. I raise my voice at him at that time since this thing really pissed me off!
It's raining outside!!!! I thought he want pick me up when he actually mistaken me by my sister. gee!!
I were angry and said I won't go home now! cause it's raining. too lazy to go home. and too lazy to dealed with stupid traffic in jakarta!!! and then I hung up his call
wondered around then I decided to go home. thanks God there's not even traffic jam at that time. at that day I thought kkkk~
but when I'm in busway that's totally STUPID
about 3 transjakarta passed me cause they run off gass and should full it ASAP
and I actually wait till 1 and a half an hour I thought
I stay, stood up. waiting like that. and when there's busway, I SHOULD STOOD AGAIN!
today totally the worst day I ever had
oh yeah, I'm in my period too and there's no tampon!!!! ISN'T THAT STUPID??????
Monday, January 16, 2012
sorry and thank you
hari ini, seperti hari senin lainnya. gue sangat sangat malas buat workshop
pertama karena workshop mulai jam 10 dan gue males jalan pagi. biasanya malah gue dari rumah jam 10 lha ini -___-
dan yeah, absen gue udah banyak alfa di workshop. but I don't really mind it
jadi tadi pagi gue baru jalan naik busway dirawamangun sekitar jam 10 an. gue nyampe sekitar jam setengah 11 lewat 45 menit. gue udah nyampe kampus, nyampe lantai 6
pas gue liat, gue mau masuk tapi ga enak. gue udah 2 kali tuh sama waktu itu kapan jg gue kaya gini.
krna stau gue workshop cuman sampe jam 11 an jadi gue milih gamasuk
pertama karena gue gaenak sama bapaknya, tar gue dikira ngapain udah telat tetep masuk jadi gue pilih gamasuk.
terus tadi gue akhirnya duduk dan jajan.
gue nungguin anak-anak workshop selesai tapi....kok ga selesai-selesai....
sampe jam setengah 12an.
sampe temen gue pada keluar dan si dian bilang, "tan, lo failed. absen lo 4"
gue udah mau nangis. diotak gue langsung KO BISA???
gue langsung masuk ke dalem dan straight to the point, "pak ko bisa saya failed pak?"
"iya, kamu alfa 4 kali sama hari ini. lagi tadi kamu kenapa gamasuk?"
"pak, saya gaenak mau masuk. tadi saya kira bapak selesai jam 11. saya mau masuk gaenak ati, udah tinggal 15 menit lagi, tar bapak kira saya ngapain masuk-masuk kelas bapak gatau diri. jadi saya gamasuk. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. tadi di jalan macet pak."
"ya tadi kenapa gamasuk aja? tuh liat absen kamu udah 4"
"ya ampun pak, saya kira tadi bapak malah ganyampe jam setengah 12. tau gitu tadi saya masuk aja. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. sumpah deh. tanya aja sama micelak, saya aja waktu itu pernah telat tapi saya gamasuk karena gaenak sama bapaknya bukan karena males. saya tadi mau masuk pak. sumpah deh cuman gaenak sama bapaknya"
"yaudah, kamu bapak absenin. udah. udah"
ya intinya gue dibebasin :)
makasih banget banget paaaak
semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan bapak
itu kalimat terakhir gue sebelum keluar dari kelas
saya bener-bener doain pak dosen satu itu hehehe
dan yeah, gue sangat yakin absen gue tuh udah paling banyak pas pelajaran hari senin doang. sisanya gue jamin gue absen ga lebih dari 1 atau 2
>< nyariiiisss banget hari ini fuuuh
pertama karena workshop mulai jam 10 dan gue males jalan pagi. biasanya malah gue dari rumah jam 10 lha ini -___-
dan yeah, absen gue udah banyak alfa di workshop. but I don't really mind it
jadi tadi pagi gue baru jalan naik busway dirawamangun sekitar jam 10 an. gue nyampe sekitar jam setengah 11 lewat 45 menit. gue udah nyampe kampus, nyampe lantai 6
pas gue liat, gue mau masuk tapi ga enak. gue udah 2 kali tuh sama waktu itu kapan jg gue kaya gini.
krna stau gue workshop cuman sampe jam 11 an jadi gue milih gamasuk
pertama karena gue gaenak sama bapaknya, tar gue dikira ngapain udah telat tetep masuk jadi gue pilih gamasuk.
terus tadi gue akhirnya duduk dan jajan.
gue nungguin anak-anak workshop selesai tapi....kok ga selesai-selesai....
sampe jam setengah 12an.
sampe temen gue pada keluar dan si dian bilang, "tan, lo failed. absen lo 4"
gue udah mau nangis. diotak gue langsung KO BISA???
gue langsung masuk ke dalem dan straight to the point, "pak ko bisa saya failed pak?"
"iya, kamu alfa 4 kali sama hari ini. lagi tadi kamu kenapa gamasuk?"
"pak, saya gaenak mau masuk. tadi saya kira bapak selesai jam 11. saya mau masuk gaenak ati, udah tinggal 15 menit lagi, tar bapak kira saya ngapain masuk-masuk kelas bapak gatau diri. jadi saya gamasuk. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. tadi di jalan macet pak."
"ya tadi kenapa gamasuk aja? tuh liat absen kamu udah 4"
"ya ampun pak, saya kira tadi bapak malah ganyampe jam setengah 12. tau gitu tadi saya masuk aja. saya gaenak sama bapaknya. sumpah deh. tanya aja sama micelak, saya aja waktu itu pernah telat tapi saya gamasuk karena gaenak sama bapaknya bukan karena males. saya tadi mau masuk pak. sumpah deh cuman gaenak sama bapaknya"
"yaudah, kamu bapak absenin. udah. udah"
ya intinya gue dibebasin :)
makasih banget banget paaaak
semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan bapak
itu kalimat terakhir gue sebelum keluar dari kelas
saya bener-bener doain pak dosen satu itu hehehe
dan yeah, gue sangat yakin absen gue tuh udah paling banyak pas pelajaran hari senin doang. sisanya gue jamin gue absen ga lebih dari 1 atau 2
>< nyariiiisss banget hari ini fuuuh
Friday, January 6, 2012
I'm not thin!
hello guys I'm not thin ok!!!
this is stress me out when my dad said I'm thin. too thin!!
I'm nottttt
I just less eat
since I had a lot of my time at college
and you know what? I just ate breakfast before I go and never ate lunch cause too lazy and don't have enough time to ate. they gave short break just 30 min
and don't want to waste my money to eat hahaha
you know what? I ate a lot actually but I do eat snack not eat for "food" you know what I mean right?
and everytime I reached home, my maid already went home and I'm too lazy to serve my self a dinner then end up not eating
even my maid said I'm too thin! WHAT IS THIS!!
I'm going to gain more weight ok
that's the end of my explanation and don't tell me I'm thin anymore!
this is stress me out when my dad said I'm thin. too thin!!
I'm nottttt
I just less eat
since I had a lot of my time at college
and you know what? I just ate breakfast before I go and never ate lunch cause too lazy and don't have enough time to ate. they gave short break just 30 min
and don't want to waste my money to eat hahaha
you know what? I ate a lot actually but I do eat snack not eat for "food" you know what I mean right?
and everytime I reached home, my maid already went home and I'm too lazy to serve my self a dinner then end up not eating
even my maid said I'm too thin! WHAT IS THIS!!
I'm going to gain more weight ok
that's the end of my explanation and don't tell me I'm thin anymore!
new year
well hellooooooo
HAPPY NEW YEAR guys hahahah (this is soooo late but I don't care bleeeh)
how's it going? haha there're a some I made a notes about 2011 when I checked about it :D
and sometimes when I don't have anything to do I always re-read it again and laugh and thought how can I be so plain and stupid at that time hahhaha
and anyway, I used to be a college student now! mature enough hahahha (I think)
I'm in the kind of range when I'm not young and not adult enough to be hahah
that's what teenagers is! but I think that's not teenagers anymore pffft whatever
I always shock everytime I know some people and they're moreeeee young than me and suddenly I get envy and want badly switch their age with me beeeeh
I'm still 18 btw but 2 months later I will turn 19
AAAAA give me back my 16 or 17 age again ><
and when I looked back I really through a lot hahahha
don't forget my birthday on 25 march ok
wish me some wish ! hahahah kind of like meet my destiny or meet super junior lmao
ok, I wish you all happy on this year ^^ and good luck!
HAPPY NEW YEAR guys hahahah (this is soooo late but I don't care bleeeh)
how's it going? haha there're a some I made a notes about 2011 when I checked about it :D
and sometimes when I don't have anything to do I always re-read it again and laugh and thought how can I be so plain and stupid at that time hahhaha
and anyway, I used to be a college student now! mature enough hahahha (I think)
I'm in the kind of range when I'm not young and not adult enough to be hahah
that's what teenagers is! but I think that's not teenagers anymore pffft whatever
I always shock everytime I know some people and they're moreeeee young than me and suddenly I get envy and want badly switch their age with me beeeeh
I'm still 18 btw but 2 months later I will turn 19
AAAAA give me back my 16 or 17 age again ><
and when I looked back I really through a lot hahahha
don't forget my birthday on 25 march ok
wish me some wish ! hahahah kind of like meet my destiny or meet super junior lmao
ok, I wish you all happy on this year ^^ and good luck!
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